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The Best Things ARE Free – Introduction

One of the biggest focuses that I have had for SEO, and being SEO minded, have been on planning what strategy should I take.  The biggest goal of any SEO strategy is to drive traffic.  Once you lose focus of attempting to drive traffic, it should be only for one of two reasons: 1. You quit worrying with it, and 2. You’re getting sued or having legal action taken, i.e. Cease and Desist Letter or Proposal.

I have taken many different ideas and converted them into working SEO strategies that have taken great shape over the media and drawn plenty of attention.  What I hope to cover in this blog should satisfy a great deal of information, especially the “why” of the method.

In knowing a working strategic action plan, there is a greater chance of having the ability to repeat your rate of success for a longer period of time.  Which, in turn, should result in more traffic.  To some people, traffic is money.  To some people, traffic is the illusion of the ability to have money spent as well.  It really depends on you, and your goals, at that point.

I digress.

What I want to focus on right now are the methods that we can take to get an authoritative ranking in Google.  I will come back later and describe what exactly an authoritative ranking is because there is a math to it.  We want to focus on attempting to get links that are external pointing to either a page or the root URL of our site.  So, how do we do that?  Well, any time a site is showing an active off site a link back to our site (for instance, we gain authority because someone else is talking about our site.

Once enough talk and traffic is generated, you begin to work away at the inconsistencies that still exist from the time you began working on SEO.  And that’s what we want, a reason to return to keep your mind fresh on what you’re designing.

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