This Section is to be used for any contractual Addendum that may need to be executed en masse. Continued use of the TurkReno Corporate Network or any services we provide is a binding Agreement that you have read, understand and agree to any Addendum presented.
Addendum #1
Original Internet Service Provider Contract Clause:
Section 1, Internet Services –
TurkReno reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and pursue collective action if [Client] fails to pay in full any completed non-retained work order within 30 days.
Modification to Section 1, Internet Services –
TurkReno, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and pursue collective action if [Client] fails to pay in full any completed work order or invoice within 14 days. All clients that are past due on recurring services such as website hosting, domain names, SSL Certificates, or other monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual recurring services, at TurkReno’s sole discretion, are subject to suspension for non-payment after 3 days being past due and subject to termination of any service for non-payment after 5 days being past due. Fees apply if account reactivation is desired and possible beyond 5 days past due. TurkReno shall not be held liable for any interruption in service due to non-payment. In all cases, a valid credit card must be on file to satisfy any recurring non-retainer services as a last-resort method of payment to prevent any interruption in service.
Reasoning and Clarification –
Clients that are 3 days past due on any recurring service are subject to suspension. Clients that are 5 days past due on any recurring service are subject to termination of managed services. Clients that are 14 days past due are subject to collections. Clients are given the option of becoming clients that receive services performed under retainer as of December 2016. Fees are set in our Terms of Service for clients that exceed 5 days past due on a recurring invoice. We have lessened the time we originally required since as of December 2016 require a credit card to be on file to receive any recurring services.
Addendum #2
Original Internet Service Provider Contract Clause:
Section 8, Termination –
(B). This Agreement may be terminated on written notice by either party for material breach of this Agreement provided the terminating party has given the breaching party at least 14 days written notice of and the opportunity to cure such breach. Termination for breach does not constitute a waiver of any other rights or remedies the non-breaching party may have for breach of this Agreement.
Modification to Section 8, Termination –
(B). This Agreement may be terminated by either party for breach of this Agreement provided the terminating party has given the breaching party at least 14 days written notice of and the opportunity to cure such breach. Exceptions to this modification would be where the Client is found to be in violation of the TurkReno Terms of Service, in violation of TurkReno Acceptable Use Policy, or has failed to remit payment after 5 days past the due date of any invoice does TurkReno have the ability to terminate service without giving notice. Termination for breach does not constitute a waiver of any other rights or remedies the non-breaching party may have for breach of this Agreement.
Reasoning and Clarification –
Due to previous verbiage that left a possible interpretation of “material breach” allowing the phrase to be interpreted in a way and manner conflicting with other legal terms and Agreements could prevent TurkReno from terminating service when a client was found to be in violation of our Terms of Service, DMCA Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, a client who engaged in one of the Prohibited Services after becoming a client, or a client who fails to pay an invoice for more than 5 days past the due date.
The original Agreement phrasing of “material breach” is not intended to be interpreted in a way that does not allow us to discontinue service for a client that is in violation of our Terms of Service, DMCA Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, or other legal Agreements. The phrase “material breach” was originally intended to be interpreted in a way that is defined as a substantial failure or substantial inability to perform a service such as a complete website design, an entire marketing campaign, or computer services such as a server or creating a virtual machine.
A breach of contract, as defined in general for TurkReno’s purposes, is intended based on the possibility and in the event a client acted in a way that caused either harm, damage or both. This would also include either behavior or actions resulting in negligence. For example, violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), when the client has used the TurkReno Network in a way that violates the Acceptable Use Policy, when the client has acted in a way that interferes with the use or stability of the TurkReno Network for other clients, or when the client has disregarded direct instruction from TurkReno that causes an interruption of services at a client location would all be interpreted as Client Negligence.
Addendum #3
Procedure handling accounts that present chargebacks to any charge
Addition to Terms of Service – Billing Disputes
If you believe TurkReno has charged you in error, you must notify TurkReno in writing no later than 14 days after you receive the billing statement in which the error first appeared.
If you do not notify us in writing of a dispute within this 14-day period, you waive any disputed charges and are subject to Suspension of Services pending Termination..
You must submit any billing disputes via this form. Please include a detailed statement describing the nature and amount of the disputed charges. We will correct any mistakes in a bill and add or credit them against your future payments.
If we believe that any billing dispute made by you was made in bad faith, we have the right to suspend or terminate your account (or any future account you create).
Reasoning and Clarification –
Previously we did not have the following Billing Dispute procedures in place. It is in the best interest of the business and in good faith that we place these and clarify the steps to remedy any dispute.