The following is our legal policy and Terms regarding any email our staff sends or that our system generates in its entirety:
CONFIDENTIALITY AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION NOTICE: Our email and its contents including attachments is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (18 U.S.C. §§ 2510 to 2521 and 3121 to 3127), is protected by the Stored Communications Act (18 U.S.C. §§ 2701 to 2712) and contains confidential and proprietary information belonging to the sender and may be legally privileged. Nothing contained in our messages or in any attachment shall constitute an Electronic Signature or be given legal effect (44 U.S.C. §§ 3504 Sec. 1707) unless authorized by TurkReno Incorporated. Our email is sent between the addressed client and an ISP/ECS/OSP, is hereby marked confidential with a reasonable expectation of privacy towards digital content, is only authorized for disclosure to those addressed by TurkReno Incorporated and is sent through encrypted means and security measures to prevent and circumvent accessibility to the general public.
Unauthorized or unlawful possession, either in a tangible or intangible format, dissemination, copying, forwarding, distribution as well as any action taken in reliance of the content and/or attachments if you are not the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and infringes upon TurkReno Incorporated’s copyright and proprietary information rights as assigned by the NET Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (Title 17 and 18 U.S.C.). If you have received our electronic transmissions and are not the party addressed, immediately delete our email including all copies from all other digital mediums and return by USPS Certified Mail any copies which may exist in a tangible format. We reserve the right to trace the delivery of our email. We furthermore assert our rights to Safe Harbor and comply with all requests by law enforcement agencies.
SERVICE PROVIDER NOTICE: All services and requests for service including, but not limited to, design, development, graphics, hosting, troubleshooting both on and off site, and marketing provided by TurkReno Incorporated are governed by the Terms of Service located in the Legal section of our website. By communicating with us, you are creating a service request on behalf of yourself and the organization you represent, if any. Replying to our email acknowledges that you understand, agree to abide by the Terms set by this clause. Furthermore, you agree to pay forward, in full, any fees, dues or invoices associated with any service request fulfilled in whole or in part at the time services are rendered.