
Playstation network down

We’ve seen our own confirmation of the PlayStation Network crash this evening.  From reports from Mashable, Kotaku and Engadget, it would seem that this is affecting all types of PS3 systems.  A later tweet from the SonyPlayStation stated the following:

PSN status update (part 2): Readers/followers are confirming that “slim” units (120/250 GB models) are connecting normally.

After reading the web, we’ve seen that the problem can accompany the 8001050F error code – turning your PS3 into a brick.  Even the newest games such as Darksiders, Heavy Rain and Bioshock 2 can trigger this problem corrupting saved data, trophies and more.

We’ve also seen that attempting to play DLC games like Final Fantasy VII or VIII that a Copyright/licensing error occurs. WTF. We bought this, it should work!

We hope Sony the best and hope things return to normal soon!