
We love our local media. We grew up listening to them. Heck, sometimes we are the local media when they get too bored or “busy” to report something. But this is unfortunately a topic that hits us and a good deal of our clients square in the chest. It affects our business in a way that some of you may not even imagine. What is it you ask? The Oil Spill and the media syndicating false rumors surrounding it. I want to be very clear about one specific point because it seems to get lost in the wash of commotion and heartache of wildlife being at risk. What is that point I want to be clear about?

DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE NEWS ABOUT THE OIL SPILL! EVERYTHING ON THE ALABAMA COAST IS JUST FINE! (Or at least it was when we wrote this…now, it’s really, really bad.)

We are tired of the fear-mongering and it has had a direct impact on our clients income which in turn hurts our income because they no longer have a budget to advertise in some cases. One thing that this has taught everyone is that regardless if it’s true or not (in this case it’s not), the fact that someone who has a very loud microphone keeps talking about it (AKA the media), the more tourists don’t want to come visit. There are not dead, oiled birds, dolphins or tuna on our coastline. There are not tar balls washing up that would be any different than any other day at the beach (it’s normal for tar balls to wash up at the beach). And there is no smell of oil in the air. The local media reported that there were tar balls but that they were not confirmed to be caused by the oil spill and that LESS THAN A DOZEN were found. Again, that’s not more than normal. Dead fish? Happens all the time. Is it the chemicals in the water? What makes you think there weren’t already chemicals in the water from boats before the oil spill?

It’s no longer comedic or a joke. We’ve gotten fed up with it and the tone of this article surely is indicative of that. And we’re not the only ones. The Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce has spoken out against this fallacy of oil covering our beaches and the Gulf Coast being somewhere no one can visit right now too, and we commend them for it:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dear Friend,

We are urgently working to combat the negative national media message and get the facts out to the United States and the world that the Gulf Coast, including Alabama, is open for business. Our goal is to pass the truth on. Yes, there is an oil spill, is it as bad as they say? You be the judge. At the bottom of this message is a link to information updated daily. It includes reports from NOAA, and daily pictures of the beaches in Baldwin County, Alabama. The beaches of Alabama and the Mobile Bay are very important to us all.. we are all working to be proactive and ready to protect our waterways and natural habitats, WE are committed to keeping you updated with the facts – not the fear factor.

The Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce

Here are a few facts from that link:

  • The Alabama Department of Public Health and Alabama Department of Environmental Management stated that there is no foreseeable need to close beaches and, short of a drastic change, they have no plans to do so.
  • Tarballs travel independently of an oil slick and are not an indication that the slick itself will travel in the same direction or to the same area. The oil slick still has not reached the beaches of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach and, according to NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) forecasts, is not expected to for at least 72 hours. Forecasts beyond 72 hours are not available.
  • Although NOAA has closed commercial and recreational fishing in a limited area between the mouth of the Mississippi River and Florida’s Pensacola Bay, there is a large area of the gulf still open.
  • All appropriate preventative measures, including oil-absorbing booms, are being used along Alabama’s beaches, bays, inlets and sensitive areas in an effort to prevent oil from reaching our shores. Researchers and scientists have indicated that any impact directly on the beaches can potentially be cleaned effectively and fairly quickly.


Darrelyn J. Bender
Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 310
Daphne, AL 36526

What do you do in a case like this? Well, first: Speak out. Comment here. If you don’t think that’s good enough, call WALA, WKRG, or WPMI, The Press Register and the entire conglomerate of sites that run and and tell them to stop running stories about it. Second: Go share this and blog about it yourself. Third: Tell all of your friends it’s OK to come to the beach and business is still open for EVERYONE. This is a very passive-aggressive move from our own people! Airing headlines that bleed to lead, putting statements and then following up with “inconclusive” facts. Shame on you local media for ruining your own town and our economy!

The South Alabama market cannot take this. This is unjust and it’s all from the media! Speak out and tell them to quit!  AND DON’T LET THEM DISTRACT YOU WITH ANOTHER STORY!! (People won’t stop thinking it’s unsafe to come to the beach until THEY SAY ITS SAFE – which it IS!)

On this day, one year ago, in the midst of economic chaos and one of the worst financial crises the world has seen in at least a generation, CEO and Founder, Mr. Taylor S. Ripley, laid the foundation to what would become one of the most successful web development and design companies in the State of Alabama. His passion for technology and his belief in the market’s need for a reliable service provider focused on excellence led him to take an incredible risk, which many would not have taken in an economic downturn let alone during such an uncertain time. Yet, his faith was well placed because what the market lacked was a business that applied a long-forgotten model, that of offering valuable services and the creation of a network of long-lasting partnerships. And so TurkReno Incorporated was born.

It has been a bumpy but exciting ride and TurkReno Inc. is living proof that a business that is client and service oriented can be successful under any market conditions. The company has become one of the most reputable providers of IT services with satisfied clients all over the world. We have risen through the ranks of our competitors and have become the #1 Eastern Shore IT service provider in our area by maintaining and expanding on the excellence we consistently achieve in the projects we undertake in the name of our clients.

We understand that our success hinges on the success of our clients and we know that reliability and dedication are the most the important qualities of any partner. TurkReno’s service packages are designed with you, our client, in mind. Service packages that consist to be a complete, custom solution that is adaptable to any project or requirements. Some of the services we offer include:

  • Website Design – Increase your business’ exposure and revenues with a custom designed website created by talented and certified professionals. With the added support of our complete web development solutions, we can create any solution that works.
  • Website Hosting – A reliable and fast service to house your website – second to none in this area guaranteed;
  • Print Advertising – A good advertising campaign targets your potential customers through numerous channels and one efficient and effective way is by using our print advertising service. We can provide you with any type of printing or publication that you may need, be it 1000 business cards or 1,000,000 flyers, we can take care of it;
  • Computer and Server Repair – Our licensed, certified and experienced technicians will keep your company running and efficient by taking care of all your IT maintenance needs;
  • E-commerce Web Site Design – Let us design your custom e-commerce website so your products can reach the whole world. Increase your sales by being available to potential customers 24/7.

We, at TurkReno Incorporated, believe in growth and innovation, which has positioned us as an industry leader. We are constantly expanding our range of services to provide the best and most complete solutions to our clients in Daphne, Spanish Fort, Fairhope, Point Clear, Foley, Orange Beach, Bay Minette, Gulf Shores, and Mobile, Alabama.

We celebrate one year of existence, growth and progress; of creating hundreds of successful websites for businesses worldwide; of undertaking amazing projects and consistently delivering results. We celebrate one year of creating a family of clients that will withstand the tests of time and the harshest market conditions under our wings. We know not what the future may bring, but we are confident that the only way for us to move forward is together as partners.

Most importantly, we want to thank each of our loyal clients and customers who have helped us become who we are today. Without you, we would not be here and our services would not be needed. Thank you so very much. We look forward to several more years to come, providing you each with outstanding and service that is superior to no other IT company in this region.

Cordially Yours,

Taylor S. Ripley

President and Chief Technology Consultant

TurkReno, Inc.

Current Web Design, Web Hosting, and Search Optimization Offerings

Over the past few months, we at TurkReno have had a wonderful time supporting our clients and meeting new clients providing professional services such as Website Design, Website and E-mail Hosting, and Search Optimization from both the aspects of Social Networks and Natural Organic Searches. From a recent statement by Taylor S. Ripley, Owner of TurkReno, he gave the following information:

“To our existing clients: Thank you several times over. Without people and businesses like you, we would not exist and we owe it all to you.” He later moved to say that (the clients) should “Continue to rest at ease as you have from the beginning of your service” and that “Your continued support and requests have been or are being completed with one-hundred percent of our ability. As always, we look forward to how we can use the latest trusted and stable technology to serve your needs.”

“To our new and potential clients: If you’re not with us, we offer our website for you to review in consideration of becoming one of our clients. We have expanded our portfolio three times over since we began November of 2008 and continue to have room for any and all additional clientele. Our deployment strategy for the Mobile Bay area was solid and we have continued to be prosperous since our initial launch. We offer Web Design services which consist of basic HTML or CSS designs, to completely dynamic Content Management Systems that are scalable enough to operate as social networks or ecommerce platforms. Our servers are connected to seven ISP Backbones: AT&T, Cogent, Global Crossing, Level3, Savvis, Abovenet, Comcast, and Verio. Wherever you are, we are too.”

In regards to Search Optimization, Mr. Ripley commented that: “We can easily show you how to aggressively take over any natural and organic search result terms with very little money or investment. Our methods are tried, tested, and proven ‘white-hat’ techniques that work one-hundred percent of the time since they are based off of International Website Design Standards. We are also prepared to help you embark or further your journey on services such as Twitter, Digg, Mixx, Facebook, and MySpace as well as help you get listed in key local directories.”

Mr. Ripley later went on to say: “The TurkReno Content Network, comprised of every client hosted by TurkReno, has a wide variety of media including Advertising Agencies, Fine Clothiers, Detective Agencies, Corporate, Legal Counsel, Adventure and Sports, City-Wide Directories, Unique Handcrafted Goods Sales, and other Basic Informational websites.”

“We want your business and want to offer you the chance to let us serve you with one free month of hosting. This is a limited time offer and a hosting contract is required to continue to use our hosting after the first 30 days. All sites are subject to content approval and our Terms of Service. All that you need to do to take advantage of this offer is contact us via our website and mention code ‘HOST-RENO’ and we will take care of your needs from there.”

At TurkReno, we don’t just make impressive websites, we create solutions that work. Contact us today via our website,, via telephone at (251) 279-0278, or via our contact form at TurkReno, Incorporated, is based in Daphne, Alabama and services the surrounding Baldwin County cities: Fairhope, Spanish Fort, Foley, Elberta, Orange Beach, Silverhill, Robertsdale, Gulf Shores, Point Clear, Bay Minette, and parts of Rural Baldwin County. Our website hosting and website design service is available internationally.


Also listed at:


Google voice

As we as a company continue to move into a virtual world, we have improved our telephone capabilities by integrating our systems with Google Voice. We now have one main number that we would prefer that all contact is made through: 1 (251) 279-0278 — Local to Fairhope, Alabama. This service not only allows us to be called on all phones simultaneously, but also the ability to receive voicemail from anywhere which is then automatically transcribed into a text message to our phones. There are other features that we are going to be using with this system.

From Google explaining the Google Voice System: “Google Voice is a service that gives you one number for all your phones, voicemail that is easy as email, and many enhanced calling features like call blocking and screening, voicemail transcripts, call conferencing, international calls, and more.” We would encourage all of our clients that are interested in this type of technology to go to Google Voice and sign up to be a part of the initial group before this becomes a major public service.

More info from Google:

We appreciate your business and will continue to keep in contact with each of you.

Best Regards,

Taylor S. Ripley
TurkReno Inc.
P: (251) 279-0278

Privacy Notice: This information is not to be collected for advertising purposes.

There are plenty of free services on the Internet when trying to advertise your services. Following these few simple steps, you can guarantee that you’ll be listed in the major search engines with little to no money.

  1. Create a sitemap using a sitemap creator and submit it to Bing and Google.  Your best bet is to follow the open-format Sitemaps protocol.  Verify your sites and verify that your sitemaps do not have any warnings (Google is the currently the best way to check this).
  2. Assuming that you’ve already picked a topic or product that you plan on sticking to for a while, begin to write two or three short essays that score at least a 500 word count.  These will be your primary advertising content, so make sure that these essays are not only on your site, but refer to your product or service in the best light.
  3. Start with Google Groups, which is a syndicate for the UseNet.  All that it requires is a simple Google Account.  Find as many related topics to your product or services and distribute the essay that you wrote.  There are thousands of niches on the UseNet, so it’s easy to find a few dozen to inform.
  4. Create a WordPress Blog on either your web site or at and use plugin such as Gregarious or Sociable to distribute your content to Digg, Propeller, StumbleUpon, Mixx, and as well as your favorite social websites.  These sites can be an excellent way of gauging the quality of your content, product, or service.
  5. If you are confident enough in your company, you should next go and make a press release with the essay that you wrote.  It may take some minor revisions to make your essay look like a press release and follow the correct format, but not long.
  6. Follow this list with 20 free press release points and submit your release to them.  Ideally you want to target sites that will submit your release to places like Google and Yahoo News.
  7. Go search Google, Yahoo, and MSN for your topic and add the term “forum” or “blog” and become a member of that site.  Do not spam these sites as you do not want to associate negativity with your product.

This should be enough to fulfill a day or so and see at least 50+ referring links to your site that can generate plenty of traffic.  Enjoy!