3 BP Claims Processes – Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore, P.C. in Fairhope, AL

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In our continued coverage following the oil spill that has consumed a large portion of the Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas Gulf Coast, we were asked by a friend of the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce to provide you with some very important information. Since the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill is now beginning to affect our shores, millions of businesses and tourists alike, we were approached to syndicate an informative document with three different ways to begin a claims process with BP written by Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore, P.C. in Fairhope, AL. In a time like this when the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has yet to step in, it is crucial to begin making claims if you are not yet directly affected or have already lost work due to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Here’s what HBK had to say about getting the ball rolling with BP:

The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill may have a significant impact on local businesses for months or years to come. Many of our clients have questions about how to pursue claims with BP for loss of income resulting from the disaster. Click here for a summary of the claims process to assist you in seeking compensation for your business. For more information, please contact your HBK advisor.

For more information, please contact your HBK advisor or call your local HBK office:
Foley: (251) 943-5499
Fairhope: (251) 928-2443
Spanish Fort: (251) 626-0846
Brewton: (251) 867-3809

For more information, please see the latest news on the following links:

Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce: http://www.eschamber.com/
Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore, P.C.: http://www.hbkcpas.com/
Alabama Gulf Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau: http://www.gulfshores.com/issues
Deepwater Horizon Response: http://www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com/
Oil comes ashore in gulf shores, al
Photo Courtesy of the Mobile Press-Register.

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